Saturday, April 23, 2005

Home Alone

First caution for people staying home alone, check your doors, windows and grils are safely locked to keep unwanted visitors coming in!! DOUBLE CHECK IF YOU HAVE TO! this has nothing to do with this blog im
writing..just expressing myself!! i now wish astro provides better satelite signals to homes as im so stressed out cause my astro programmes watching are interupted since this morning. just a slight breeze makes it all turn sial sia!!! staying home alone, the only friend you have is the tv and the wonder the net was invented. ehehehe...ok now im bored writing..later la! chow!

p/s: this blog has no scrammm!

~only stupido~

1 comment:

Bewitching Star said...

thanks but no thanks...i guess im use to living alone all the time.... so tak kesah la! love you mwahs!