Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Road to Heart Disaster

When people say its time to move on, we should - no reminiscing, no turning back. Your heart is to be preserve with care and nothing else matters. Being at war with something so dear to our hearts is the worst feeling ever. I can't imagine being constantly at war. On one side, we hear our soul screaming for freedom, yet on another we just leave it to rot and sooner or later it will gradually die. Maybe to us, this would be an easier way out then battling the storm. How idiotic and ignorant of us?!

Geez, what a feeling to start the day off. Time to work now. Good day!

Monday, February 21, 2011

my dearest beloved

I'm happy and thankful to have found you in my darkest hour. Thank you.

I am very much in love - today, tomorrow and forever. Hugs*Mwahs

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


hi sue.

This is for you.

Countless days I feel that you're great. All my friends are because they are unique. Since the first day I met you, I thought to myself, "the girl I am with now, without her tudong on seems so normal and awesome. She will achieve wonders but the only thing that would pull her down is maybe her insecurity".

And, its true! The Sue as I know her, is very insecure; by how she looks, by what she is great with, fearing she won't fit in and constantly thinking if she will ever be great in future.

Well Sue truth is, you've always been great no matter what you think about yourself. The last time I checked, you're the most talented amongst us all. At least you've ever danced (and continuing it now), you know melodies, can sing, you play the piano!, you've managed to finished your 2nd part Archi (even if you dreaded the whole time), you own cool friends like us, you met awesome friends in OZ when you thought you can't, a loving family to top it all and other meaningful things in life.

So dearest Soraya, I think you do have an awesome life. It may not be like others but you have achievements of your own. Don't compare, don't think and don't reminisce too much. Just live your life as it goes.

p/s: You're fortunate to be born talented when others wish to be.

This final quote is for you darling "the soul's joy lies in doing..." -Percy Bysshe Shelley

Nina Liyana

Continued Version

Relating to the last blog entry... I have decided it will be 1st April due to certain circumstances such as the arrival of my new boss in March, adjusting to my new responsibility @workload at work and also because I need to regain my brain confidence before I take that huge leap.

Oh and if you're wondering what I'm talking about, it's me deciding the date to start masters part-time. :)

Cheers to having everything alright again! Yeay!