Tuesday, October 17, 2006

living pieces......

The significance of fasting month is you can lose weight or gain weight easily. what happen to me was, the first 2 weeks i lost a lot of weight due to takde selera makan...but currently im gaining again. due to my unstoppable eating habits. i like to snack. screw me if u have a problem with that. but this is what stress does to a person that has not been eating snacks for the past year. thanks to it, now im officially having BELLY again. not much though, but it has worsen this time around.

Another good thing about fasting is, time seems to fly rather fast and i cant wait to celebrate hari raya that is just in a week's time. im done with projects. i hate them tops. i just want to get our of this UIA circle and lead a normal life without having to wear hijab (my hair drops!!!! ish..), please people around me with diplomatic measures (just not me yo!), no more staying up at night to meet project deadlines and far worst is i dont want to look at this one particular face for a long time..maybe just for now(ntah...). but i just need a break from that pathetic n fugly face. GO AWAY BITCHES!!!! *opps puasa...*

now im having GIS class, havent started yet though but im not overly eager to come. my lecturer just had HIS PMS perhaps. he blow off his madness this morning with all those stupid reasons. ok, we are just human u know. dont expect us to be robots and do everything perfectly. i seriously think he knows about our internal portfolio today. and i seriously think he knows we will be supremely busy. but what did he do? got mad because the morning session didnt come to his class this morning. why we didnt? because we had our FCUKING portfolio didnt we? and our presentation was at 10 in the morning. class was at 8. u fcuking mad? he even said he will fail the morning session students. how much crueler can he be? is there such word? maybe becoming the next cruela devil. aiyohhh....life is so sad down here in gombak. seriously!
so kesian....

ok, no more swearing nina, holiday is just around the corner....HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ME!! TO ME! TO ME! and a very Happy Raya to all. may your holiday be fill with fun and smiles. i hope mine will....i miss everybody back home already. and i never ever EVER want to come back to UIA ever again.
can i? *YES!!!! YIPPIE!!!!*

p/s: my parents came back from umrah today..so thats one thing to be happy about. im glad they came back safely. i hope everyone in my family came back healthy. LOVE YOU GREAT PEOPLE that is called MY PARENTS. mwahs

Deep down Love From,
NinaLiyana aka The Living Legend. *hah*

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