Thursday, October 18, 2007


i'm capturing the moment that i'm soberly sad. and emotionally deprived. but why? just because i feel a void. everything comes back to square one. i'm jinxed. i told u guys so. so now i'm setting my foot firmly on the ground and saying no. to hell with the love struck thing. i'm going out of this idiotic circle. *shrugs* ok, it doesn't sound as bad as what i just said. but i'm still partially sad. it came like a shock. but i'm alright. seriously, this time around i don't sob anymore. not like before. i just can't. its too hard and too much energy wasted. so here i am, going to chill, look around and be merry. cheers to the single people out there. at least u don't get your heart messed up and broken. *nyirup!

be wise'll see the difference......

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