Sunday, March 16, 2008


SUNBURST was the bomb and a blast! no other words can describe how i feel. im so much or extremely happy and satisfied. the show is incredibly amazing. my sole purpose of going to sunburst is none other than my beloved boyfriend, JOHN LEGEND. God i waited for him for 4 years. has been his big fan since the very first song, Ordinary People and mind you, i actually screamed when he sang that song and of course the save room song and the rest. i know each line of the lyric okk. His performance is just so mind blowing. Usually ill be gross out by the fact that a person is so sweaty and opt not to go near. but JL is just a defacto. If i was given a chance to hug him with all that sweat ill be happy to do it. seriously. he is sooooo HOT! Next time he comes, i am going to make sure im right in front. THE FIRST ROW. so toodles for now.

p/s: the rest was extremely good too. The Roots came mannn... weeeeeeeeeeeee!


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