Tuesday, February 10, 2009

should i?

its been a long time. but its coming.

im not good with hellos, arrival, goodbyes or even departures. a person has to make the first move before i get friendly and departure happened twice recently that im glad i had strength to hold on.

my friends departed somewhere i believe is very exciting. one place with beautiful beaches and places to explore, another a laid back place where it feels like a second home to me whenever im there. however, i know it must be scary for you but its an experience! a new world, a new chapter. i like the sound of it. u girls be glorious promise?

events after events drool over me in recent weeks. i fail to understand myself sometimes. but i love the hustle and bustle of it. i dont make sense. along the way ive learnt to appreciate myself, and along the line ive seen myself as beautiful. maybe one day ill see more of myself. and maybe, just maybe that person will notice.....

please dont leave me....

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