Saturday, August 08, 2009

dumb dumb

i think my brain is deterorating. i think my mind wanders to every place it wants or can think of. i think my head spins too fast at times that i feel like puking. and maybe at times my brain fails for a reason. perhaps? but i can still remember the day when my brain was in good shape. is it the age or have I just stopped using it properly? oh blimey the wanderer!


zazu said...

Nina! what happened? why do you sound so sedih?jangan bersedih! u can do it!

Bewitching Star said...

hehehe im ok la. just my brain not working as fast as i can remember. i use to be soooo gooodddd... what happened liaw??

Tee said...

Everything is fine Nina... Just your low self-esteem dragging you along everywhere...

Bewitching Star said...

it has nothing to do with low self-esteem la tee. hahaha