Wednesday, April 12, 2006

old conversation

this time my mom occured a sound.the slightest that makes you think so much.

we (my mom and my siblings) were gathered in my mom's room earlier this evening. was watching our favourite indonesian tv drama "DIA". sappy drama that is. if you haven't heard of it. pity YOU! cause its kinda good to sit down and watch it with the whole family. spending quality time even it isnt so much great. but its still family time!

ok enuff. actually before we went to barong tinuk (so cool la this place..i shall bring you one day!?) for dinner, my mom pass a statement that her anak-anak should marry a foreigner. so may be better phrase cute gorgeous men and women. cause her theory is; so we shall never get ugly children that has flatten nose and weird eyes. or something like that. so, she said to me...maybe you should consider getting an org putih boyfriend. or latino. or even indonesian with good features. ahahahah. that was funny. while she was refering to that my brain starts working and running to find any available person for me to start with. and there came up felanie's name. ahahha *nong if ure reading this dont get me wrong...he's so adorable and very hard to resist...thats all!* my brain was playing mind tricks with me again. all this fantasies of having good looking boyfriend is so irresistable. but i have yet to find one. im evil. *sorry syg*

afterwards, we went to dinner and bumped into my other family members. what a small world kuching is. so we ended up eating together. the 10 of us. food was delicious and there was another round of post-motem of the anniversary party. gossiping again. as usual. but funny thing is, i realise my family has this love-hate relationship that makes me wonder how we actually can stand each other for so long. hah! blood-tie.

weird thing happened....the topic of gorgeous people came up again. i think my family is obssess with "org kacak". we can never be bored of them. we eventually will be mesmerized by the fact that someone gorgeous is standing beside us. nasib tak drooling....ahahaha.

so ending...we like gorgeous people! cause it makes the sun shines brighter. to me la. up to you to judge. i guess one day ill consider my mom's suggestion. or will soon find one. im gorgeous also what! wow...i actually said that. good night everybody.



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