Thursday, June 28, 2007

writing my retarded self...

im miserable. im depress. but somehow i can see the light at the end of the tunnel. the light is dimming but i can still see it. how can he be so cruel? how can he not feel the void like i do? but it has always been about a HE. why cant it be something else that im sadden of. why should it be a HE? im sick of games. im sick of dissaproves. and forbidden love is reflected as the best of all. you know why? cause its simply irresistable. and the anxiety u get out of it is pure satisfaction. but in the end it was doomed. this is my modern romeo and juliet story. but at least romeo and juliet were looked up to as one of the best love story of life. mine? just a monochrome of it. i wish it was simplier...i really do. but somehow its not. life oh life. i will miss those moments. but oll live it thru. as what a favourite saying of myself..."some are just not meant to be...." im strong. i can do it! but i never regret knowing you. The HE that showed me how to live a fun life and not think of anything but happiness. but things changed. and its a sad change. but i will always remember you. yeah i will. cause finally someone made me cry the dry tears. a big deal in my dictionary. im happy you found someone else...and thank you for being mine for those little times...*hugs&kisses*

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