Sunday, February 17, 2008

my friends

if i could rant things about my friends i actually cannot finish by the end of the day. there's so much to say, compliment and also kutuk. hah! who doesnt kutuk their own friends? i know i do. and im transparent about it. cause who are your best mirror if not your friends? i appreciate my friends. i live with friends more than i live with my own family. only when i reach this kind of age i am accustoming myself to my family. highschool was all about friends-asrama kan!, sekolah rendah macam takde impact sgt cause the time i realise about the colourvaried life of ours is when i started living independantly without parental supervision. im not that dependant kind you know, but being manja to people appeals to me now and then cause i love them. :) i have selected friends that i come to for help or comfort. but the rest i am learning to just accept them for their qualities. no need to marah cause in the end, its just a blunt end. thanks sue for the compliment.
140208 is a day for valentines. sure i celebrated with joe, the love of my life. but thats only part of the day. the earlier bit i spend with my anchors syaza and radhi in class. haha and suprisingly the class only lasted 10mins. how ironic? i guess the lecturer wanted to dash of for vday dinner. but thats not a big fat chance though. afterwards i went out for movies with the others, syaza(again), sue and kuhaz. the four of us had fun. it was a nice and comfortable outing. its been awhile since i did that with any group of friends of mine. nowadays its work work work. the rest of the evening i spent with joe before he left for work. so people, Vday is a day for love, even if you don't see the actual need for it, but it does bring people together and make people realise there is such thing called LOVE in life. there's nothing wrong celebrating it if your intentions are towards the people u love. i love my friends, thus i go out and have a nice time with them. i love my boyfriend deeply, so i spent time with him. Not that we dont proclaim love any other day, but why not say it again on vday? its like any other day. if people want to be extra loving or showy on this day, let them. at least they found love.
*dig that*

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