Tuesday, May 25, 2004


My day today started like all ordinary days ive been through for the past 6 months of my life [after SPM]. Boring as ever. I never knew something good would happen to me today. In the afternoon i was with daydeck at her place as usual doing all those girlie stuff. Taking pictures using the web camera like nobody's business but it was cool though. I finally meet Daydeck again. Its been quite a long time since she left for manchester in april. And she's back again!! im so happy. After goofing around with Daydeck and her sister, Ein i went accompanying Daydeck to meet Feroz at Masja. They sent me home and VOILA!! im here doing my blogger. Boring life aint it? So, as time passes by my life became more interesting. Been answering quizes through the net but the most important thing of my journey into this life is...I GOT into UIA. Finally what ive ever wanted came true. I will soon be a successful ARCHITECT that will entertain thousands of demands!! I have big dreams..so kill me already! *aHaKs* praise ALLAH the Almighty for his blessing..Alhamdulillah

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