Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Another Valentines in My Eye

remembrance of the day in the past when i was a little girl...one song rings in my head. the "que sera sera" song. "what ever will be will be" this is what some people may say. but i know thats the least i want to happen. topic- valentines day. indication of? obviously LOVE. what do people know about love? im writing this post and i know not many people will read. just the urge of expressing is there. often my mates will say, ure beautiful as you are and no need to worry about having people loving you. i know that for a fact that sometimes i think im beautiful. but thats not the whole point. i dont need assurance. but just merely need some excitement i guess...have yet to feel that in years.

anyway, valentines day this year is the same as any other year. spending it alone. its not a sad thing and i dont need pity. LOVE here still remains. even with or without a partner. its a day for giving love to EVEN your friends & family. i have both around me for now. im happy. full stop. if people are to always judge this day as only for lovers. they are demolishing the value of love. u dont live with only your partner. u dont devote yourself entirely to them. i know i dont. and guys always see that as my strength and something that holds them back to come near me. i guess some guys just want a girl that could be their display doll. some trophy. or someone they can overpower. im not like that at all. maybe born with a conservative dad and a modern thinking mom,i grow up into a balance child that knows how to stand up for myself. if ure searching for a girl that would just say YES to your every say, uve come to the entire wrong page. im an ordinary girl with dreams. i talk for myself. and have the mind of my own. im not rebellious. but i want things to be equal. i guess that fair aint it?

talking again on the subject valentines. a friend sent me this msg of LOVE. its says, "love is not only made for lovers; its also for friends who trust each other better than lovers. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!" so have u got that kind of friend? if u do, i presume that your valentines is complete. dont go thinking your valentines sucks just because you dont have a partner. love is subjective. its given to everyone with the kind heart. arrogance will destroy this. u have the heart to love? love people around you. someone special will come eventually. no need to search. naturally it flows like water. if it gets stuck at the rock cause by any obstructing cause. then mayb he/she is yours. its called fate. just have faith. we will flow thru. respect yourself before embarking into this journey. if you dont. ull sail into the doomed.

take care you people....and have a VERY HAPPY VALENTINES!! i love you....

Lots of Love,
Sambal Belacan Lover

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