Friday, September 21, 2007

Dedicated to life with friends...

This is a tribute to life and friends i have...

ok. here's the thing. im sitting in front of my personal PC and thinking of what i have to do next? i did most of the things i have to accomplish today. wake up. checked. took my bath. checked. go to class and break fast with appa. checked. studied. checked. what else is there? so here goes my mind. WONDERING. PONDERING. RESTLESS. so, instead of getting my beauty sleep as i would definately complain about lack of sleep when i have to wake up for class early morning 2moro, im browsing around the net for juicy gossips. not celebrity gossips. just normal earthly people gossip. so i re-read the blogs entries my friends posted dated from a week ago. Its so ironic that when u least expect it, then ure eyes will see the larger picture. my friends are actually undergoing emotional crisis that is unbearable. and where am i? sitting here not comforting them. why? cause i have my own problems to deal with. i may sound selfish. but here's the thing, my soul is too tired to hear stories of others. even if i know i can. but if given a choice i dont want to. not that i want to push people aside and not be with them in the times of need. but i just like my state of ALONE now. just for the time being. sorry....ill be better. dont worry people..i know i will. im strong remember? fit as a bull? teehee... i promise ill be a better friend to all of you.

to my friends that i rely on : daydeck, zahie, mizi, syaza, radhi, sue and kuhaz...
im very thankful that God sent, you beautiful people to me. u have always been there for me. thank you. if ever i create hatred in your big hearts, do tell me cause i am very ignorant at times. to those who are having a hard time with studies and life itself, i hope you guys find your light at the end of the tunnel. i will pray for you people. especially my dearest sue. ure special and dont let things pull you down. and obviously ure not a mediocre. its a bigger sin to think that way! i love you. kuhaz, hang in there ok? ull make big! i believe it so. syaza and radhi; you girls will always be my beautiful anchors. my ship will sink without both of you... i have special thanks and deep love for both of you. mizi: thanks for being the best pal ive got. ure outrageously interesting! *BIG LOVE*

specially for my "idiotic" ida : i know we have been through so much lately that our relationship nearly exploded into tiny bits of pieces once upon a time. but i do cherish you. i just want you to know that. i had great times with you last semester. i didnt know what went wrong. was it me? you? or perhaps it was both. i wasnt nice for me to bitch about you. i know i have sinned. im sorry. but u just got on my nerves in so many extreme ways. i hope ure copping and getting better. i want to see the less insecure, less confused and much of a better grown up IDA. cause u know ure older than us right? i hope you will really make a difference from now on....cause u deserve to be happy. just toss away those negative feelings ok? take care of urself. and cherish your self pride. we love you. i love u. pls care for your own best interest...

wow thats long! and this is tribute to my life... i have so many things to repent for. so many regrets. and so many problems to face. but you know what? im going to take baby steps and make things work. and make life better cause i know i deserve it. i will complain and whine soon enough AGAIN but what fun is there without it right? my life is beautiful. my life is beautiful. my life is very beautiful (chanting it away...) and im going to make it wonderful. variecolours....and having iman. thank you.

to the other people i owe my life to. i have an endless thanks to give out to. and ill be happy when you are. so keep smiling. maybe the world will smile back at you..... :)

The Ink Slinger Herself,

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